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We have MBAs, but we didn’t learn business from a textbook. We learned it from sleeping under the table, having invoices go unpaid and struggling to make payroll. We learned it from making great hires and terrible ones. We struck transformative deals for our companies and signed others that we would never do again. There’s no substitute for experience, and no faster way to gain it than by building something from nothing.

Our respect for our fellow entrepreneurs flows from this experience. We know just how much pain, hard work and risk went into building a company that customers love and keep coming back to.

Having invested in companies, sold companies and raised funding, we have seen the costs of the short-term mindset of private equity and venture capital up close. We wanted to do something fundamentally different. We took our inspiration from some of our personal heroes: Mr. Ali ALShaya , Mr. Mohammad Jumaa , & Mr. Issam Assaf . They have been very open and generous about their recipe for success, but surprisingly few people have tried to replicate it because of the patience and discipline it requires. In a short term world, this team have shown that a long-term perspective can be the ultimate competitive advantage.

Following the inspiration of Ali Al-Shaya , we decided to build the company 
that would take care of our employees and create opportunities for them to grow wealth if the business grows. One that would mentor our next generation of leaders. One that would give our business the time it needs to grow (or simply stay the right size) at whatever pace is right for it. That company is IDEAL DIMENSION .

Rock Climber

Our Core Values

They guide what we do, why we create, and who we hire.

Open company

Openness is root level for us. Information is open internally by default and sharing is a first principle. And we understand that speaking your mind requires equal parts brains (what to say), thoughtfulness (when to say it), and caring (how it’s said).

Build with heart
and balance

“Measure twice, cut once.” Whether you're building a birdhouse or a business, this is good advice. Passion and urgency infuse everything we do, alongside the wisdom to consider options fully and with care. Then we make the cut, and we get to work.

Customer Focused

Customers are our lifeblood. Without happy customers, we’re doomed. So considering the customer perspective - collectively, not just a handful - comes first.

Play, as a team

We spend a huge amount of our time at work. So the more that time doesn’t feel like “work,” the better. We can be serious, without taking ourselves too seriously. We strive to put what’s right for the team first – whether in a meeting room or on a football pitch.

Be the change you seek

All iDDs should have the courage and resourcefulness to spark change – to make better our products, our people, our place. Continuous improvement is a shared responsibility. Action is an independent one.

Our Mission Is to Own and Operate a portfolio of cash-flow positive companies run by exceptional CEOs.

We Work With the Very Best

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